Thursday 13 January 2011

`A Serbian Film`

One of the most thought provoking and disturbing films you will probably see in recent times. Such has been the publicity that it has been banned in some countries and bans are being attempted in others. So what's it about?

A Serbian Film follows Milos, a retired adult film star in Serbia. He is persuaded back into the business for one final film that will secure him a pay cheque that will allow him to retire and support his family for the rest of his days. The drawback being the funder of this new film doesn't quite explain what the new film will entail. Lured by the big money Milos agrees to see how it goes but doesnt have any idea what he is getting himself in for.

You move through the filming scenes in the film with the camera following Milos just behind. He doesn't know what will happen next and neither do you, creating a suspense that will have you fearing the worst followed by the realisation that the worst is always yet to come!

Described by Garry Charles from Shock Horror Magazine as "Visually and constructively amazing, a tour de force of morbid beauty" this film will test your nerve and surprise and disgust you in a way that will capture your attention to the last. A must see.

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