Thursday 13 January 2011

To anyone still reading.... :P

Well its been a while hasn't it?

Finally I have came back to my blog. No particular reason but im sure I would have made clear in my initial post that my blogging would be sporadic? Haha, well maybe not. So what's happened in the past year and a bit? And yes, it has been that long!

The weekly commutes to Edinburgh have continued and after a break in the football season for Christmas and New Year the commute is due to return this coming Sunday. With the 6 Nations not that far away I'll try and enjoy the packed but not quite packed as they soon will be carriages. Which means of course I'm still living in Dundee where a mix of a temporary promotion for the past year and the state of the job market has meant moving wasn't an option. Still in the same flat, going to the same pubs and clubs and going to the same places for coffee - although a new place Harry or Henry's has opened. I can never remember which it is but I'm not sure it matters either way.

That brings us up to date. Kind of. Over the next few posts I will try and recap as much as I can about the past 12 months that is necessary or dare i say it interesting!

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