Wednesday 29 July 2009

Back from indifference!

Well finally i have made it back to blogland after a couple of weeks out. With a heavy work schedule and a full social calendar to match (dramatic i know!) the little time ive had to myself ive felt too tired to have a continuous thought for more than a few moments!

It has led me to believe that we would have advanced much further as a species if we actually had more time to ourselves to think of stuff worthwhile doing! Did all the great inventors work in quiet, darkened rooms away from birthdays and weddings and parties? Not to mention work- did they all live squalid, luxury deficient lives before they hit the big time with their master invention? How do people working full time jobs, caring for kids, assuming other responsibilities cope with such busy lives?

Look around these days and there is an array of theories and products and classes all designed to de-stress the stressed worker, to relaxed the unrelaxed and to relieve the anxiety of the anxious. Great. But when do people find the time to do all this stuff? Are these classes all attended by people with less hectic lives and already fairly relaxed?

Gym membership has rocketed in recent years- why? So people can get fit, de-stress, become healthier? Speak to your average regular gym user and they will tell you they feel great or had a really good session. Scratch beneath the surface and the anxieties begin to appear - the fear of looking silly in front of the nearby `Olympians`, the struggle for the chance to use a machine in a crowded gym then to be hounded off it minutes later, the fear of impending doom if a planned gym visit has been missed (think hectic work and social calendar) - what do the gyms do to combat this? They put on classes.

And for those of us who dont do classes? Well we blog i guess...

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