Sunday 5 July 2009

the weekend

Well it has been a very good weekend. Friday was spent relaxing in front of the TV with a glass or 2 of wine, although i have to admit i was watching Big Brother, sad i know! By Saturday i knew a night out was needed and after a sneaky 2 glasses of wine in the afternoon i got ready and heading to a friends where cider and rum was drank- not together! Afterwards into town for a spot of clubbing where Passoa (reliving the student days) and Cheeky Vimto (port & blue wkd) was added to the combo! Normally such a mix of drinks would have me laid up on the sofa for the following day but im glad to announce that despite being tired no hangover has managed to kick in! A late lunch of bacon rolls washed down with Irn-Bru has helped also.

Yesterday saw Serena Williams win the Wimbledon womens final against her much fancied (in tennis anyway!) sister Venus and today Roger Federer takes on Andy Roddick- currently at 1 set all! Roddick having put Andy Murray out on Friday will fancy his chances so time will tell. I still have very little interest in tennis however and im desperate to see the return of the footie season!

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