Wednesday 1 July 2009

THAT train journey

Ok kids, its story time!

If you're sitting comfortably, as the saying goes, then ill begin...

I travel regularly by train (more about that later) and to cut costs i try and book early, 2 singles sometimes being cheaper than a return and all that. The only drawback is you have to book specific trains - not a problem on this day so i went for it. Now booking a specific time, means a specific train and a specific seat. Again not a problem - i dont mind grabbing one of the small pull down seats by the doors as i dont travel huge distances usually and sometimes you get more breathing space on the busier trains but having had a busy day and it being a Saturday i was glad of the comfort of the pre-booked seat as the train pulled up to the platform.

Eager to beat the crowd of people on the platform i hopped on quickly and made my way down the carriage to find my seat. The carriage was relatively empty at the time but with the crowd behind me and more stations between there and my destination i again was glad of my pre-booked seat.

I prefer an aisle seat but this one was one of four at a table. Initially i had shuffled past before realising i had overshot and doubled back. There was a student sitting at other side of table. Probably about 18 and on his way back to his parents for the weekend break from uni he was sat with his bags to one side and his laptop on the table, playing some kind of fantasy game.

He briefly looked up as i put my bags down on the seat next to mine and i took my seat, opposite him. He glanced over his laptop and eyed me suspiciously. I briefly made eye contact and thought he must be annoyed at me invading his table space but thought no more of it and began raking through my bag for something.

After a few minutes i looked up from my bag to see him once again glancing over his laptop- this time more in fear than suspicion. I wondered why and looked round. It was the carriage. Empty! What happened to the crowd of people on the platform i have no idea. Another carriage perhaps. Either way i had just walked into an empty carriage, walked down the aisle and planted myself directly opposite the only other person present!

Now clearly this was one of those situations where you wonder how you got there- regardless of how, i was now sitting about a metre opposite a clearly confused and worried passenger. If that didnt make me look like a weirdo or a psychopath intent on killing him - i could already see his mind was clocking up newspaper headlines about his savage death to some pre-booked ticket nutter- but would moving again after just getting comfy make me look more weird? I hedged my bets, sat still and hoped the train would fill up over the next few stations.

Did it hell. The two of us sat staring in any direction but straight ahead for nearly an hour. He made a call to his mum (bless), possibly fearing he would never see her again lol He finally got off the stop before i did and im sure we both felt relieved! Whoever you were i apologise. I meant you no harm. But if i see you again i may just have to sit opposite again for amusement value. :o)

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