Wednesday 1 July 2009

fly swatting episodes

Summer is here and with that comes flies, in particular bluebottles. I dont have a problem with them if they stay outside where they belong- but for the past 2 weeks they have been invading my flat and annoying hell out of me!

A quick read through google searched pages suggests the best thing to use to swat them is something that lets air flow through. Apparently the change in air pressure that comes with a newspaper for instance alerts the fly to danger and being capable of `jumping` in any direction they can escape with ease.

Fast forward a few minutes and im back, armed with an old badminton racquet. Despite the neighbours opposite no doubt worried about my sanity as i leap around the room swinging at apparently nothing, this has became a part of my daily routine of late. Now that the warmer weather is finally here i have the option of opening windows and letting flies in or keeping windows closed and roasting alive!

The prior being opted for i now have a fight on my hands. After the bodies started to pile up i decided i should also arm myself with tissues to pick them up and flush them down the toilet. The vast majority are relatively small but generally after popping a few of them the Mummy or Daddy turns up, buzzing around the room, evidently maddened by the massacre.

These, it must be said, make a satisfying pinging noise as they fall victim to my smash!

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